Warranty policy
Chubb branded portable fire extinguishers supplied by Mainland Extinguishers are guaranteed against defects in materials, component parts and manufacturing workmanship for a maximum period of four years* (other brands are guaranteed for two years) in non-aggressive environments from manufacture date stamped on the cylinder.
The warranty only applies when the extinguishers are installed to New Zealand standards 4503:2005, maintained and serviced by Mainland Extinguishers in accordance with New Zealand standard 4503:2005 and manufacturers instructions.
Mainland Extinguishers supplied portable fire extinguishers have the following shelf life periods before recharging is required: AFFF Foam - three years, Air/Water five years (with corrosion inhibitor), Wet Chemical five years, ABE Powder five years, CO2 gas five years or to manufacturers instructions.
*Four year (other brands two years) warranty includes first year replacement unit, followed by repair warranty for remaining years (unless otherwise advised). Warranty does not include return or pick up freight or the security tie or damage.
Seven day right of return. Four year ‘Peace of Mind’ warranty.